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SUNY GCC - Genesee Community College

Veterinary technicians work with veterinarians in private practice as well as in zoos, animal shelters, wildlife facilities, and in research labs. Some technicians have careers with pharmaceutical companies, pet food companies or in diagnostic laboratories.


The Veterinary Technology Program at GCC is a selective curriculum that requires two years of full-time study.  Courses include:

  • Anatomy and Physiology
  • Pharmacy and Pharmacology
  • Nutrition
  • Techniques for Laboratory Animals
  • Small and Large Animal Pathology and Nursing
  • Surgical Nursing and Anesthesia
  • Radiology and Dentistry
  • Clinical Laboratory Techniques

You will complete three externships with hands-on training in veterinary practices alongside licensed veterinary technicians and veterinarians. Small class sizes will allow you to work closely with helpful faculty who work in the field and stay up to date on the latest developments in veterinary medicine. Students are also required to complete general education courses including English, psychology, history, and math, in order to receive an Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.) Degree.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide our students with a quality education, teaching them knowledge of the field of veterinary medicine, practical hands-on skills, compassionate patient care, the enrichment of the human-animal bond and the complexity of issues related to environmental and public health.

Information Sessions

Please register for an information session.

03/205:30PM to 6:45PMVeterinary Technology Information SessionOnlineRegister
05/145:30PM to 6:45PMVeterinary Technology Information SessionOnlineRegister

Admissions Requirements

Admission to the Veterinary Technology Degree program requires that you complete the following steps:

1. Attend an information session about the Veterinary Technology program

At the information session, we will discuss veterinary technology as a career choice, the prerequisites needed for entrance into the program as well as the courses you will take once you are in the program, financial aspects, and licensing procedures upon graduation. The dates and times of the information sessions will be available on this Vet Tech webpage or by calling the Vet Tech office at 585-343-0055 extension 6185. Pre-registration is required. You may bring an unofficial transcript of the courses you have taken already and the Program Director and a member of the Admissions team will be able to go over them with you to see exactly what courses you will need to take for admission into the Vet Tech program.

2. Meet Vet Tech program pre-requisites

Minimum qualifications to be considered for the Vet Tech program include:

  • The GCC proficiency for Reading and Math must have been met and the student must place in ENG 101 or higher prior to being accepted into the program. For more information, email
  • Complete CHE 100 (Introduction to Chemistry) or a college level chemistry course with a lab with a grade of “C” or higher, or AP chemistry with a score of 3 or higher.
  • Biology requirement includes one of the following: High School Biology Regents exam with a grade of 75 or higher OR AP Biology with a grade of 3 or higher OR college biology course such as BIO104 (cell biology) with a grade of C or higher.

3. Complete a GCC application form

If you are not currently a GCC student, you will need to complete an application to GCC online. Indicate Veterinary Technology as a major. If you are currently a student at GCC, you will need to fill out the Program Change Request form. Applications must be received by January 15 for the following fall semester.

4. Have your high school and college transcripts sent to GCC

Your application is incomplete until your transcripts arrive. You cannot be considered for admission until they do arrive. Students may check on the status of their applications by calling the Admissions Department at 585-343-0055 ext.6215.

5. Complete 10 hours of volunteer work experience

All applicants must complete 10 hours of volunteer work with animals at a veterinary practice, an animal shelter, a zoo, a kennel, a groomer, or other animal-related work environment. Your supervisor must fill out a Work Experience Recommendation Form. Please note that this does not need to be done prior to submitting your application to the Vet Tech program, but does need to be completed before new student orientation in the fall.

6. Wait patiently

The Vet Tech Director will review the applications of all individuals who have met the requirements for admission. The program only accepts 30 students per year. Meeting the prerequisites guarantees that your application will be reviewed, but does not guarantee admission into the program. The Director will make the final decision concerning entrance into the program.

7. Welcome to the Vet Tech program!

If you are accepted into the program, you will receive an official letter of acceptance from the Admissions office. Accepted applicants must attend an orientation session with the Director of the Vet Tech program. Accepted applicants will be notified of dates and times of these sessions. Failure to attend an orientation session will result in forfeiture of your seat in the Vet Tech Program.

Please refer to our complete Veterinary Technology Program – Admissions Procedures for more information.

Program Information

Accreditation and Licensure

The Vet Tech Program at GCC received full accreditation, effective September, 2017. This means the program has met the rigorous standards set forth by the AVMA. These standards apply to all Veterinary Technology programs throughout the US and Canada. The program will be reviewed again in 2028.

For more information on accreditation of Vet Tech programs, or GCC’s accreditation, you may contact:

American Veterinary Medical Association
Committee on Veterinary Technician Education and Activities
1931 N. Meacham Road
Schaumburg, IL 60173-4360
1-847-925-1329 Fax

Reporting requirement for licensure, registration, or certification of veterinary technicians

Effective July 1, 2024, federal regulation requires institutions of higher education to make a determination whether a Title IV eligible academic program that leads to professional licensure or certification meets the educational requirements for licensure/certification in the U.S. State where the institution is located and the U.S. States where “distance education” students are located at the time of initial enrollment in the program, as well as U.S. States where the program is advertised as meeting such requirements, and if applicable, the U.S. State where students attest they intend to be licensed/certified.

The Veterinary Technology, AAS program at Genesee Community College is registered by the New York State Education Department and thus meets the educational requirements for licensure/certification for New York State.

The Veterinary Technology program at Genesee Community College requires in person attendance to our campus in Batavia, NY in order to complete the program.  If you reside outside NY state and/or are planning to be licensed in a state other than NY after completing your degree, please reach out to your program director to determine whether our program meets the standards of the chosen State.

National Board Results

Statistics for the three year reporting period of January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2024:

  • Number of first time candidates that have taken the VTNE: 67
  • Three year pass percentage on VTNE: 79.33%

Reporting Animal Concerns

The humane care and use of animals are of paramount importance to Genesee Community College. Specific concerns about the treatment of animals should be reported to the Chair of the IACUC (Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee). Specific concerns about the treatment of animals maybe reported in person, by email, or by letter. Those registering concerns may include his/her name or the concern may be anonymous.

Concerns should be reported to:

  • Letter sent to GCC addressed to “IACUC Chair, Confidential”
  • Stephanie Ortel, Director of Veterinary Technology Program at 585-343-0055 x6185 or x6187, or
  • Martha Lorshbaugh, Vet Tech Program secretary at 585-343-0055 x6185, or

All claims will be investigated.  To facilitate in a thorough investigation, claims should include the date, time, species involved, specific animal identification number and names of college student, staff or personnel if possible.

Any individual reporting a concern about animal care and use has freedom from reprisal for his/her action.

Animal husbandry concerns should be discussed with the facility supervisor.  If the problem remains unresolved, please contact the Director of Veterinary Technology Program and any of the about contact options.

Degree Types

Associate In Applied Science (AAS)

AAS Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)

A graduate of the Veterinary Technology A.A.S program should be able to:

  1. Create and update medical records utilizing traditional and electronic media as needed.
  2. Communicate effectively and professionally with a variety of constituencies.
  3. Explain applicable laws in the veterinary technology profession.
  4. Apply ethical codes as they pertain to the veterinary technology profession.
  5. Administer properly calculated drug doses by an appropriate route to a variety of species.
  6. Explain proper use of and effects of prescribed drugs.
  7. Perform high quality patient care (patient assessment, husbandry, restraint, dentistry, nutrition, and therapeutic techniques) appropriate to a variety of species.
  8. Manage patients in all phases of anesthetic or surgical procedures as needed.
  9. Obtain a variety of specimens from a variety of animal species.
  10. Process (handle, package, store, and analyze) laboratory specimens properly.
  11. Produce diagnostic imaging for a variety of species.

Download the 2025-2026 Curriculum Worksheet for AAS [PDF]

College Students walking on outside on campus

Career Outlook

After getting your GCC degree, some occupations you may consider are:

  • Clinical Practice
  • Animal Shelters
  • Diagnostic Labs
  • Pharmaceutical and Research Labs
  • Zoo and Wildlife Medicine
  • State and Federal Agencies
  • Farm Industry

Transfer Opportunities

Starting at GCC saves many students and their families thousands of dollars in tuition. With an A.S. or A.A. degree you will be able to seamlessly transfer within the SUNY network of 64 college and universities as well as to many 4-year private institutions. GCC’s A.S. and A.A. programs were developed as part of the SUNY seamless transfer initiative allowing students to complete the first two years of a bachelor’s degree as a freshman and a sophomore at a community college, then seamlessly transfer to a SUNY four-year institution to earn a bachelor’s degree. Please reference the SUNY Transfer Pathways for degree programs to learn about any campus specific requirements. Visit the SUNY Core Course Finder to plan out the courses you should complete to transfer to a 4-year SUNY School.

If you are planning to transfer to a 4-year private institution you should work with our Transfer Services office to learn about possible articulation agreements and pathways that exist for many or our degree programs. Some GCC A.A.S. programs also have transfer opportunities.

To learn more about these opportunities and agreements contact the Transfer Services Office, we are more than happy to work with you and answer any questions you may have on building your own personalized transfer plan.

Transfer opportunities include, but are not limited to:

  • SUNY College at Canton*
  • SUNY Delhi*
  • SUNY Morrisville State College

*GCC has current transfer agreements with the above noted institutions.